Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One of the most important things to do for college is preparing for your SAT's and/or ACT's. These two standardized tests hold a lot of weight for colleges in the selection process. There are a lot of different SAT and ACT preparation sites that can help you achieve your desired score on this test.

This is an interesting SAT 0r ACT prep site. One huge downside to this site is that it is not free. The program costs anywhere from 250-500 dollars. While this may seem like a lot of money, it's still a great deal cheaper than hiring a tutor. The sites main mission statement is "½ the cost, 2x the results of a classroom course". If this is true or not remains to be seen. Another thing that may make an online coarse more attractive is you do it when you have time, compared to having a tutor with a set schedule. SAT prep courses and tutors may not be the most cost effective option, but they do get results, making the purchase well worth it!

I know that we have already talked about collegeboard, but it really is the do it all college site. If you having any problems concerning college preparation, collegeboard is where you will most likely find your solution. The greatest thing about collegeboard is it gives you a FREE practice test. While it wont be as effective as one of the courses you would have to pay for, it will still help you gain a comfort level with standardized testing. Giving this site a visit is a cheap, effective way to boost your test scores.

This is another free online test. While i strongly suggest paying for a tutor or an online program i realize that is not a financially feasible option for everyone. Prep tests like this one will again help you gain a comfort level with the test, as well as prepare you for they type of questions on the test. As long as you are persistent, and really want to improve your score you will succeed.

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