Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Now that you have all the sites and tools you need to find your perfect match, now you need to start preparing for obstacles that college life will bring. College is extremely expensive, and most family's don't have enough saved up in a fund to pay a full college tuition. Because of this problem there are many scholarships, and loan options out there that you can take advantage of.

This site is basically a search engine for college scholarships and finical aid opportunities. This site is easy to navigate, and also very effective in trying to find scholarships that may be available for you. Like stated before this site itself will not supply any scholarships, but it may be able to find some that will significantly cut the cost of your yearly tuition.

Once again we are back to Collegeboard. If you are not getting the hint yet that collegeboard is going to be your most useful college preparation site, then college just might not be for you. Not only does collegeboard help you find scholarships, it also helps you figure out payment plans as well as ways to cut down on your own expenses. This should always be the first site that you go to in any college retated questions, becasue it is fully equipted with every answer. Collegeboard is the most reliable college prep site out there, so take advantage of it.

This is another site to try. This sites statement is "Since 1998, Helping Students Find Free Money for College." If that does not sound appealing to any parent or to be student, then i dont know what is. This again is more of a search, but this site also seems to be directly connected with some scholarship oppertunites. Like any scholarship you are going to have to do your fair share of work to prove you deserve it, but getting into college was the hard part. Give this site a try, and see what comes up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One of the most important things to do for college is preparing for your SAT's and/or ACT's. These two standardized tests hold a lot of weight for colleges in the selection process. There are a lot of different SAT and ACT preparation sites that can help you achieve your desired score on this test.

This is an interesting SAT 0r ACT prep site. One huge downside to this site is that it is not free. The program costs anywhere from 250-500 dollars. While this may seem like a lot of money, it's still a great deal cheaper than hiring a tutor. The sites main mission statement is "½ the cost, 2x the results of a classroom course". If this is true or not remains to be seen. Another thing that may make an online coarse more attractive is you do it when you have time, compared to having a tutor with a set schedule. SAT prep courses and tutors may not be the most cost effective option, but they do get results, making the purchase well worth it!

I know that we have already talked about collegeboard, but it really is the do it all college site. If you having any problems concerning college preparation, collegeboard is where you will most likely find your solution. The greatest thing about collegeboard is it gives you a FREE practice test. While it wont be as effective as one of the courses you would have to pay for, it will still help you gain a comfort level with standardized testing. Giving this site a visit is a cheap, effective way to boost your test scores.

This is another free online test. While i strongly suggest paying for a tutor or an online program i realize that is not a financially feasible option for everyone. Prep tests like this one will again help you gain a comfort level with the test, as well as prepare you for they type of questions on the test. As long as you are persistent, and really want to improve your score you will succeed.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finding your Match

With more students opting to go to college more than ever, it is never to early to start looking at perspective colleges. There are over 1,400 colleges in the US alone, this number is extremely intimidating for many aspiring students. Thankfully they are not expected to deal with this number alone. There are many helpful resources to help students find their ideal college. Three of the most basic, but most useful sites are:

Collegeboard is your "do it all" college site. The site is geared toward college planning, and finding the college that is right for you. This site can help you find scholarships, learn how to make payment plans, and find the college of your dreams based on an advanced college search program. One of the greatest things about collegeboard is that it asks you a series of questions pertaining to what type of college experience you would like to have. This is an extremely useful tool because it filters out all the colleges that do not fit your criteria. Once you refine your search and choose some colleges, the site gives you the academic regulations of that particular college you are looking at. This will help you determine weather or not the college is a reach school or a safety school. Collegeboard is probably the most useful site pertaining to the original search for a college. Once you have narrowed it down there are many other useful sites that can help you determine if the college is a match or not.

The pincetonreview is one of my favorite sites because it gives you an in depth look at the colleges that interest you. Unlike collegeboard this isn't so much a college search site, but it's more like the second step once you have already found a handful of prospective colleges. The princetonreview is really descript in ranking colleges, and giving details about each college. One great detail on this site is it gives students the chance to go on the site, and write what they think about their colleges environment. Weather this response is positive or negative all depends on the student. The student write ups can really give you some incite on weather or not this is the type of environment you want. The review also has various rankings for the colleges varying from the biggest party schools, to the school that has the worst professors. Resources like this can be extremely helpful, but also a lot of fun. The princetonreview in my mind is the most detailed site out there for this second step.

Another useful site is collegebound. This site is a lot like the princetonreview. It gives detailed descriptions of the colleges that you are interested in. While it is basically the same as the other site, it gives you another perspective about the colleges you are looking into. One great detail about this site is that it contains all types of schooling: community colleges, tech schools, boarding schools, ect. So if you are looking for something other than your standard college than this might be the site for you.